Sailing Wondertime Rotating Header Image

July, 2010:


HAPPY meal!

It’s official! We are liveaboards again. Truthfully, I was really nervous about how this was all going to work out but after four days of being on Wondertime full-time, I can say that my worries have not come to pass. The boat’s lockers are swallowing all our stuff, with plenty of room to spare. The girls are settling in nicely, even with all the unpacked bags and crates around us. Yesterday 4-1/2 year-old Leah in fact declared: “I love living on the boat!” which pretty much sums up how all of us are feeling right now. The early mornings the past few days have been a little overcast. Then the sun comes out by lunchtime and it warms up, but a nice northerly breeze keeps us cool. We listen to the seagulls flying around and those funny underwater noises. It’s very peaceful and cozy. It feels like home.

Here are a few photos from our first 12 hours onboard. Hover over them for descriptions and click to view full-size.