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Countdown to cruising: 3 days to go

We spent today not doing a lick of work, but rather saying see-you-later to many family and friends who stopped by our dock to say hello and tour our little home. It was a good day for sure.


  1. Elizabeth says:

    Loved seeing all of you in your element! You will be greatly missed …

  2. Trevor says:

    We sure had a great time; thanks for hosting! As evidenced by that super cute picture, Kiera is going to miss Leah something fierce! Maybe we’ll get a few days anchored together before you get too far away…

  3. Kim Talley says:

    Steve and I really enjoyed seeing your boat, seeing you and your husband and saying our “goodbyes (actually I didn’t care for the “goodbyes” so much.) Jennifer and the boys came by later, but couldn’t find you. Can Taylor, Liam and I come see you in the next 3 days before you go? Just tell me when it would be a good time.

    Thanks for allowing us all to see you yesterday, that was really nice. Good luck!
    Love, Kim