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Video: Sailing to the San Juans

Sailing to the San Juans under staysail and mizzen in ~20-25 knots. We love the easy motion of our home underway, even when it’s breezy. (As often happens while sailing, both girls fell asleep below. Another nice benefit of cruising under sail!)


  1. Oh that warms my very cockles. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Stan says:

    Have been following your blog for a while and am looking forward to your reports now that you have cut the dock lines. You have a beautifully balanced rig. the wheel didn’t turn an inch during the video and the course never varied. We just finished a week in the northern San Juans and didn’t get any sailing in. No wind!

  3. Brian Stoll says:

    Don’f forget to update your Yotreps reports often. Fun to see where you are at!

    1. Sara says:

      Hi Brian! We are still in Sidney. Sigh. Boat is back together though and now we are just waiting for the weather in the straits to improve to head west…..