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March 19th, 2012:

Wondertime Sails to the South Pacific – Day 2

We are still sailing along happily today at a nice clip. We’ve had 15-25 knots all day and the miles have been rolling under our keel. We’ve been rolling around inside the boat, however, as the wind has veered more to our aft quarter and we have quite a swell coming down from the north. We’re sailing with our poled-out genoa and mizzen, our downwind setup.

I had the sunrise watch this morning and when the sky lightened I could see ominous dark squall clouds all around us. We passed under some and had a few drops of rain but luckily no crazy wind increases.

We’re passing the Islas Revillagigedos now, too far to see, but it will be our last closest land for weeks….

P.S. We are checking into the Pacific Seafarer’s net nightly; check (I think that’s the URL) as they have internet audio of the net. Of course if you are a HAM make contact with us – N7UDM!

Total miles at noon: 249
Actual meals eaten today: 3!