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Wondertime Sails to the South Pacific – Day 18

Last night was the kind of night I’m going to think about long into the future, when we’re back in a regular workaday life. I’m going to close my eyes and try to remember each detail, and long for every one.

I was up for my watch at 0400. Matt, finishing up his 12-4 watch and ready to hit his bunk, noted that everything had been stable outside for hours and we’d been picking up speed a bit even at times. I put on a kettle of water for my cup of black tea, made some notes in the log. When the water was ready I grabbed my hot mug and the ipod and headed up to the cockpit to settle in for some sailing and stargazing.

When I popped my head out I was awestruck. The nearly-full moon was still up in the west, about 45 degrees above the horizon and focusing a brilliant beacon of light on the water. It was so bright that it while it tried to dim the gazillion stars it was unsuccessful and the sky was still lit up with tiny sparkles. Our spinnaker was pulling us south, toward the southern cross, at 4.5 knots with the light warm breeze blowing from the east. The huge full sail was highlighted by the bright moon behind it and instead of its daytime rainbow it sported shades of glowing silver.

I settled into the cockpit cushions with my favorite ladies: Erin, Imogen, Jolie, Sia, Deb, Ani and together we glided through the magical night. With the seas only a long, wide swell, the motion was almost imperceptible except for forward.

People have told us how lucky we are, to get to sail far away. My first response is to say luck has little to do with it, that we’ve worked so freaking hard, made many difficult decisions and given up so much for so many years to get to this place on the earth. But on nights like this, I see how very lucky we truly are to be here together.

Total miles at noon: 1886
Miles since yesterday: 78
Miles to Hiva Oa: 780
Number of poblano peppers left after finding them in a gooey mess in their bag in the fridge: 0
Cabbages remaining: 3
Cool, clean girls after a saltwater washdown on the back deck today: 2


  1. diane says:

    Such a treat to read this and immerse myself in my own memories–it really will stay with you. At least now, a year after our crossing, I can read your words, close my eyes and have the magic come flooding back. It’s fainter–but still sublime. Cherish it.

  2. Kyra says:

    So wonderful to read this…. Enjoy the blissful moments, they’re well-deserved.

  3. You paint with words. I can see it, shimmering and swirling by. What a lovely image. Thank you for sharing it.

  4. Dani says:

    You do give a great visual with your words:). I could picture myself there in the ocean.