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Our Pacific Crossing in Photos

We finally have been able to hook up to internet here in Hiva Oa and read all the comments you have left while we were at sea. Oh my goodness I had tears in my eyes so many times while reading them. Thank you thank you thank you for all the kind thoughts and words you all left on our blog. We couldn’t read them at sea but somehow, during the times we were so so alone out there we could feel all the people thinking about us and it was so comforting.

Here we go…a few photos of our 26 days at sea. (Hover over a photo to view the description, click on it to view in full size.)


  1. Dave says:

    Inspiring story and now the photos! I’ve considered this trip as owner or crew but now it’s on my “Life List”. Thank You!

    1. Sara says:

      Yeah, it’s an awesome, awesome trip. The best part is, we feel like we just got started! So many islands ahead….

  2. Tate says:

    Great photos of the crossing. So glad you guys made it. Dani and I took turns reading your posts to each other each night and thinking of you out there.

    1. Sara says:

      I’m so glad you guys enjoyed our posts! We can’t believe it’s over now…how did 26 days go by so fast?!

  3. Melinda Scharf says:

    Beautiful photos!! Too many to pick a favorite! All of you look so happy. It is quite obvious you have found your calling in life. Enjoy every moment!

  4. Trevor says:

    I thought you would get the comments sent to you via SSB… darn! I should have emailed you – I know how exciting it is to get messages on passage.

    Great job – let us know your plans from here!

  5. Carolyn says:

    Thank you for sharing your story and the phots I have been following you from my land locked desk. AMAZING is the best word I can find.