Hi Guys,
Just found your website. I was looking for a new boat when I came across ‘Pelican’ for sale. From there I saw that you used to own ‘Jenny P’. I had stumbled on that site back in 2000 as you were getting ready for cruising. I had the HC48 ‘Koonawarra’ then and had always loved the 33T. As you may remember, I lost my boat in 2001 off of El Savador while heading for the Carribean. So now I am looking , again like you guys, for a more reasonable boat. Anyway, it’s good to see that you have achieved so many of your dreams from so long ago, and are still on boats. Fair winds. Grant
Hello! I just found you from Janna Cawrse Esarey’s facebook post. My husband Tucker, daughter Ruby (6.5), son Miles (3), and I are heading south from the San Francisco Bay next fall. We’ll be headed towards Mexico in October. We just recently changed our date for leaving from 2012 to 2011 and are thrilled! And thrilled to start finding out what kid boats we’ll meet out there. Unfortunately all of the scraps from a million paper snowflakes need to be cleaned up but I can’t wait to spend a while checking out your blog and your List! Our blogs are http://www.forgeover.com (life, kids, boats) and http://www.svconvivia.com (just boat stuff).
Victoria on Convivia in Emeryville, CA
Hola ! Keeping out of the way of today’s Boat Project, and I found you on FB. Since we’ve lived aboard our Islander Freeport 41′, and previously the Hunter 40 “Southern Cross”, for over 20 years, AND raised two (grand) children aboard, AND signed up for, and missed, the HaHa 2008 but sailed south afterwards spending the last two and one-half years in the waters of The Baja (whew!) we all may have something in common. Ya’think? 😀
We LOVE ‘Boat Kids’, and families near us have been warned that’s why I carry a BIG bag! LOL Our boat kids have grown in curious, independent, intelligent and strong, and kidlets don’t need to be tormented by young thugs or on a ‘regimen’ to be well-rounded! “Out here” you’ll meet hundreds of ‘kid boats’, and adults of every resource: teachers, singers, an American Astronaut, instructors of every sport, language and knowledge you could ever wish for YOUR child. I cannot imagine a child learning more than one who sees the world with all its cultures, advantages, crises, and possibilities with their own minds and hearts.
I wish you a WONDER-FULL adventure! Just don’t hurry down the Baja; we took 7 months and LOVED every visit and every bay, every day! I’m SO glad we missed the fast-track;)
See you when you get HERE!!
Hugs, bobi
Our ‘old’ site is http://www.CruisingBySail.com, out of date but still ‘us’!
Also, s/v Wandering Puffin has her own page on FaceBook, with lots of pix on MY page 😀
Been absolutely fun/amazing reading your experiences for the last two months. The whole thing seems a perfect fit for your family. Can’t wait to read your next post.
We found your blog off of Harmony’s (Terry & Diane) blog. I suspect you are friends with Rick and Jena from the south sound. They took off with Harmony earlier last year (sounds funny but this is 2012 now. Cindy and I wish you happy experiences on your boat.
You can look at our blog – last updated in 2008 – after with sold Maggie Drum in New Zealand – if you are interested. We were told we did a pretty good job with updates. We were out 4 years total after leaving Anacortes, Labor Day, 2004. We spent 18 months in Mexico (Cindy flew out for the summer to a consulting gig in Denver – which she did every hurricane/cyclone season. I stayed on the boat by myself those times – HOT in Mexico at PV but safe at Paradise Village.
Anyway, the reason I am writing is that we too wanted to get to NZ and work a couple/three years. NZ does not like part-time immigrants, and will give you a work visa for only jobs on their current expert list – usually MD’s, some engineers, etc. You can find it online somewhere on the official NZ site. It was virtually impossible to even stay there more than 6 months at one time. They are very nice and all but follow the rules to a “T”. No flexibility at all.
We did have a blast going across the Pacific though. We did not know if we would do it or not when we went to Mexico, and just felt it out as we went. We did spend two sailing seasons in MX as I said above, but decided to give it a go. We left from Zihua…. and I would not recommend that. We were in a 400 mile wind shadow as Zihua is that far east of Baja California. Cabo/La Paz/Matzatlan and even PV would be better places to leave from.
Not trying to be a busy body or advice nut, but your comment about working in NZ caught my eye. We were very disappointed. We did have two friends who did get visas – one who got on as a Director of a major financial firm (who sponsored him with lawyers and such), and the other an MD. You can also get in if you have mucho dinero to invest in NZ to start a business – lots of dinero.
Hi Kevin– Thanks for writing! Wishing you also a safe next few months…enjoy your new boat when you get back home, you will surely have earned many days of beautiful sailing! Take care, Sara & the crew of Wondertime
My god, you sure know how to make a person jealous!! I’m sitting at work reading your voyage logs and, I just want to jump up, hop in my boat and GO! Unfortunately, I have about 4 more years before I can leave. Slowly prepping my old Morgan 33′ outisland for the trip. Just want to say that you have a beautiful family. You’re really “living the dream”. Maybe I’ll see ya out there someday.
Jeff of Gypsie
I am a researcher in marine volcanology at the University of Otago (New Zealand), and I am very interested in the pumice raft you encountered during your cruise. May I ask you more information about where and when you found the pumices? That would be very useful for research purposes. Also, I would be extremely interested to get some (20-40 would be ideal, but anything is good) samples if your “fishing” was successful… (I am happy to pay for any shipping fees…)For further contact, please use my email address: jutzeler@gmail.com
I wish your next trip will be as pleasant as the last one!
Good day to all!
WOW! Nicely designed website and gorgeous sailing vessel. (We are envious!) Amidst your intriguing text and posted pics I stumbled upon a pic of your friend Brig in his restored Cal 34. Incredible finish work. Amazingly, we are in full restoration processs on our 1970 Cal 34. Would you have any more pics to share or a email address for your friend. Our tastes in interior finish seem to parallel. Would love to see the rest of his work. Thank you for the great site.
Fair winds to you and yours!
Danny Shaffer
I’ve just recently come across your blog and have really enjoyed reading some posts regarding your cruising adventures across oceans. It has been inspirational to see that a family with young kids can do this – going offshore to distant waters is one of my life goals, but we are only newbies at boat ownership and this is/has been our second summer sailing.
I’ve been meaning to drop you a line to say hello, and to let you know that I’ve appreciated your words (and honesty) with what life is like living onboard and abroad. Our boat is actually moored at Westhaven marina as well, and I work just down the road from it, so I’m often nipping out at lunchtime for a jog to the bridge, and to visit our sailboat.
If you are up for it and have some time I’d love to meet you for a coffee.
Hi Guys,
Just found your website. I was looking for a new boat when I came across ‘Pelican’ for sale. From there I saw that you used to own ‘Jenny P’. I had stumbled on that site back in 2000 as you were getting ready for cruising. I had the HC48 ‘Koonawarra’ then and had always loved the 33T. As you may remember, I lost my boat in 2001 off of El Savador while heading for the Carribean. So now I am looking , again like you guys, for a more reasonable boat. Anyway, it’s good to see that you have achieved so many of your dreams from so long ago, and are still on boats. Fair winds. Grant
Hello! I just found you from Janna Cawrse Esarey’s facebook post. My husband Tucker, daughter Ruby (6.5), son Miles (3), and I are heading south from the San Francisco Bay next fall. We’ll be headed towards Mexico in October. We just recently changed our date for leaving from 2012 to 2011 and are thrilled! And thrilled to start finding out what kid boats we’ll meet out there. Unfortunately all of the scraps from a million paper snowflakes need to be cleaned up but I can’t wait to spend a while checking out your blog and your List! Our blogs are http://www.forgeover.com (life, kids, boats) and http://www.svconvivia.com (just boat stuff).
Victoria on Convivia in Emeryville, CA
Good idea to check the chainplates for shrouds.
Hola ! Keeping out of the way of today’s Boat Project, and I found you on FB. Since we’ve lived aboard our Islander Freeport 41′, and previously the Hunter 40 “Southern Cross”, for over 20 years, AND raised two (grand) children aboard, AND signed up for, and missed, the HaHa 2008 but sailed south afterwards spending the last two and one-half years in the waters of The Baja (whew!) we all may have something in common. Ya’think? 😀
We LOVE ‘Boat Kids’, and families near us have been warned that’s why I carry a BIG bag! LOL Our boat kids have grown in curious, independent, intelligent and strong, and kidlets don’t need to be tormented by young thugs or on a ‘regimen’ to be well-rounded! “Out here” you’ll meet hundreds of ‘kid boats’, and adults of every resource: teachers, singers, an American Astronaut, instructors of every sport, language and knowledge you could ever wish for YOUR child. I cannot imagine a child learning more than one who sees the world with all its cultures, advantages, crises, and possibilities with their own minds and hearts.
I wish you a WONDER-FULL adventure! Just don’t hurry down the Baja; we took 7 months and LOVED every visit and every bay, every day! I’m SO glad we missed the fast-track;)
See you when you get HERE!!
Hugs, bobi
Our ‘old’ site is http://www.CruisingBySail.com, out of date but still ‘us’!
Also, s/v Wandering Puffin has her own page on FaceBook, with lots of pix on MY page 😀
Been absolutely fun/amazing reading your experiences for the last two months. The whole thing seems a perfect fit for your family. Can’t wait to read your next post.
Hey you guys, have you run into Erlin Loving and his girlfriend, I think their boat is named Ventured, his spot tracker is showing in Monterey
Ahoy S/V Wondertime,
We found your blog off of Harmony’s (Terry & Diane) blog. I suspect you are friends with Rick and Jena from the south sound. They took off with Harmony earlier last year (sounds funny but this is 2012 now. Cindy and I wish you happy experiences on your boat.
You can look at our blog – last updated in 2008 – after with sold Maggie Drum in New Zealand – if you are interested. We were told we did a pretty good job with updates. We were out 4 years total after leaving Anacortes, Labor Day, 2004. We spent 18 months in Mexico (Cindy flew out for the summer to a consulting gig in Denver – which she did every hurricane/cyclone season. I stayed on the boat by myself those times – HOT in Mexico at PV but safe at Paradise Village.
Anyway, the reason I am writing is that we too wanted to get to NZ and work a couple/three years. NZ does not like part-time immigrants, and will give you a work visa for only jobs on their current expert list – usually MD’s, some engineers, etc. You can find it online somewhere on the official NZ site. It was virtually impossible to even stay there more than 6 months at one time. They are very nice and all but follow the rules to a “T”. No flexibility at all.
We did have a blast going across the Pacific though. We did not know if we would do it or not when we went to Mexico, and just felt it out as we went. We did spend two sailing seasons in MX as I said above, but decided to give it a go. We left from Zihua…. and I would not recommend that. We were in a 400 mile wind shadow as Zihua is that far east of Baja California. Cabo/La Paz/Matzatlan and even PV would be better places to leave from.
Not trying to be a busy body or advice nut, but your comment about working in NZ caught my eye. We were very disappointed. We did have two friends who did get visas – one who got on as a Director of a major financial firm (who sponsored him with lawyers and such), and the other an MD. You can also get in if you have mucho dinero to invest in NZ to start a business – lots of dinero.
Fair Winds,
Joe & Cindy ex-Maggie Drum
you guys rock im in afghanistan and just got my first 25′ sailboat will be home in mid june and will be out on the water have fun be safe.
Hi Kevin– Thanks for writing! Wishing you also a safe next few months…enjoy your new boat when you get back home, you will surely have earned many days of beautiful sailing! Take care, Sara & the crew of Wondertime
My god, you sure know how to make a person jealous!! I’m sitting at work reading your voyage logs and, I just want to jump up, hop in my boat and GO! Unfortunately, I have about 4 more years before I can leave. Slowly prepping my old Morgan 33′ outisland for the trip. Just want to say that you have a beautiful family. You’re really “living the dream”. Maybe I’ll see ya out there someday.
Jeff of Gypsie
Dear Mrs, Mr,
I am a researcher in marine volcanology at the University of Otago (New Zealand), and I am very interested in the pumice raft you encountered during your cruise. May I ask you more information about where and when you found the pumices? That would be very useful for research purposes. Also, I would be extremely interested to get some (20-40 would be ideal, but anything is good) samples if your “fishing” was successful… (I am happy to pay for any shipping fees…)For further contact, please use my email address: jutzeler@gmail.com
I wish your next trip will be as pleasant as the last one!
With my best regards,
Martin Jutzeler
Good day to all!
WOW! Nicely designed website and gorgeous sailing vessel. (We are envious!) Amidst your intriguing text and posted pics I stumbled upon a pic of your friend Brig in his restored Cal 34. Incredible finish work. Amazingly, we are in full restoration processs on our 1970 Cal 34. Would you have any more pics to share or a email address for your friend. Our tastes in interior finish seem to parallel. Would love to see the rest of his work. Thank you for the great site.
Fair winds to you and yours!
Danny Shaffer
Hi Danny~ Thank you for your kind words! Yes, Brig’s Cal 34 restoration is truly amazing! I’ll forward your email to him. ~Sara
Kia ora Sara,
I’ve just recently come across your blog and have really enjoyed reading some posts regarding your cruising adventures across oceans. It has been inspirational to see that a family with young kids can do this – going offshore to distant waters is one of my life goals, but we are only newbies at boat ownership and this is/has been our second summer sailing.
I’ve been meaning to drop you a line to say hello, and to let you know that I’ve appreciated your words (and honesty) with what life is like living onboard and abroad. Our boat is actually moored at Westhaven marina as well, and I work just down the road from it, so I’m often nipping out at lunchtime for a jog to the bridge, and to visit our sailboat.
If you are up for it and have some time I’d love to meet you for a coffee.
Warmest regards,