Thank you all for visiting The Voyages of Pelican!
Hey Mike, my brother John told us about your site, and we wanted to take a look and say hello.
Lindsey and Daniel Lewin <>
Camino, Ca USA - Mon Mar 1 23:34:15 2004
What a dastardly and wicked site you two have! With it you have forced me to put my house up for sale and start looking for a boat of my own!!! Thank you for helping me to look beyond my front yard. Someday I hope we run into each other one day on the Sound or beyond.
Bill Boyer <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Thu Feb 12 8:35:43 2004
Great site. I like to thank you very much for the sharing of your experience in Punta Perula. Hope to hear more from you in the future.tell me wen are you coming back to punta perula in bahia de chamela i live here, and i want to meet you...
Hugo Delgadillo <>
punta perula, jalisco mexico - Fri Jan 23 18:37:54 2004
Great site. I like to thank you very much for the sharing of your experience. Hope to hear more from you in the future. Who knows, we may run into each other one day.Take careWerner
Werner Gysi <>
Enderby, BC Canada - Fri Jan 2 15:18:48 2004
We sail Lake Huron in our Alberg 30. Have looked at A35 but haven't found one at right price yet. We would love to sail the west coast. Great website.
Peter Hay <>
Goderich, ON Canada - Sat Dec 20 15:09:40 2003
Just stumbled across the log and wanted to say THANKS, a great trip.. i enjoyed it!
jeff W <>
bothell, wa - Sat Nov 1 16:30:49 2003
It was wonderful meeting you both and hearing a bit about your adventures. Hope to see you soon again in the ocean somewhere. Keep your eyes peeled for a tiny overloaded Westsail with puking kids and dog onboard. The name will be Lulubelle, currently it is still Far Cry. Great Website. I will have to sit down and read all your stories before we leave. Catlin
Catlin , Sophia, Charlie, Jamil , Anna <>
Seattle, WA USA - Tue Aug 26 11:53:33 2003
Hi guys! Pix of Pelican on the truck are strange. Hope you´re doing well. See you shortly ...
Greg and Sujata
La Paz, Mexico - Sat Aug 16 14:41:56 2003
Great site you guys! Glad to see you're following your dreams. Sarah - you going to make it to the reunion?
Kim Fitzwater <>
Snohomish, WA USA - Fri Aug 1 19:15:09 2003
I love your site and your boat, we have Alberg 35 #85 (1963)we bought it in 1999 and sail out of Galesville Maryland. Mary and I plan to sail our Alberg offshore sometime! till then sail as often as possible, and when there are small craft warnings! Calm seas don't make a good sailor!....Keep Smiling!
Bill Blazina W3XS <>
Huntingdon, Pa usa - Mon May 5 16:37:13 2003
Glad to hear that u ar headed home soon we have missed u 2 while u have been traveling, glad that u have had a good trip so far.
George & Reaba & Kinzie <>
Brownsville, WA USA - Tue Mar 4 4:55:16 2003
I really like your site! And the pics are great too! I envy you both and within a yr I too will be 'doin the dream' from here in Portland.Ive only had motor boats,but have been a lover of sailboats since I was a kid growing up in Newport Beach Ca.
Mike <ufomanm>
Portland, or usa - Sat Feb 8 12:36:54 2003
Greetings from Larry Bishop, You have a Great web site.
Larry Bishop <>
Ottawa, Canada - Wed Jan 29 0:00:26 2003
GREAT SITE! I love your logs and pics, please keep 'em coming. I'm also really looking forward to reading your treatise on HAM radio and how you do e-mail on the high seas.Thanks!Barnaby
Barnaby Dorfman <>
Seattle, WA USA - Thu Jan 16 19:51:59 2003
A great site. Your naratives are clear and interesting. Thank you for sharing your adventure with all of us.
Paul Brook <>
Fairfield, IA - Sat Nov 23 22:18:53 2002
Keep it going! you are living the dreams of thousands, including myself.
ron <>
st.louis, mo usa - Sat Nov 23 17:09:30 2002
Oh, and about heath care being a failure here in the states..well it's not evil corporations that have made good heath care so expensive, it's a fact that we live in the most litigious society on earth dude? Have you priced malpractice insurance lately? If you got what you wanted (National health care) going to the doctor would be like going to the D. M. V. or the post office........that's really going to fix heath care...come on dude? Think it through Bill?Kill all the lawyers!Was that Shakespeare that said that..lollate>>Will
- Sat Nov 23 15:28:14 2002
Bill,First of all America has never been a true Democracy it was founded as a Republic so it is a "pseudo Democracy" as the founders intended! "Conservative Compassion" is giving economic opportunity, Educational opportunity and teaching a good work ethic to those who wish to succeed? Liberal compassion is taxing those who succeed and redistributing that wealth to those who don't? STAY OUT OF MY WALLET! I put myself through school, worked hard and have made a great life for my family with NO help from family or Government. As far as the environment goes you are barking up the wrong tree dude? It's no secret here at the marina that my home/mini ranch near Santa Barbara California is 99% energy independent, less the propane for the refrigerators and heaters (my property is not even hooked up to the grid)? I walk the walk Bill? This thread on the Pelicans guestbook page began after I posted a comment about the pelican crew participating in a peace rally near my home>>> So lets talk about solutions to achieve peace on this little planet between the bipedal hominids that seem to thrive on death and mayhem. My view is that peace can only be achieved through strength given the state of cultural and physiological evolution of the species Homo Sapien Sapien. War is probably the oldest group-human behavior that still reeks havoc on the peoples of the world Bill, but to transcend it both warring parties must be willing to make the appropriate compromises to avoid it's use. Compromise compassion and common sense are not in the vocabulary of right wing Christian paramilitary types nor Islamic fundamentalist or secular Dictators like Saddam. Pretending that this type of evil is not dangerous to us and the rest of the world is just simply a deadly fantasy bro, and to stand around waving a peace flag chanting anti American slogans>>>>>'s pathetic and most of all it does nothing in terms of creating peace on this planet? For those that have been following this political thread and picture me as a suit wearing corporate not! I am a heavily tattooed, spiked hair, pierced music studio owner who loves and takes care of his wonderfully talented employees.Hate me if you want to but know that i am loved by those that know me :)~peace out >>> Will
Ventura, - Sat Nov 23 15:03:36 2002
oh Will, you love to attempt to "get our goats" but we see through the transparent right wing agenda of new world order and we all know it is one that favors corporations over common people like YOU and ME, pseudo-democracy over REAL DEMOCRACY, and "conservative compassion" over real compassion, and the bottom line over the protection of our environment that we all depend on for our EXISTENCE. And no, I'm not a Democrat. There's not much difference between the two parties; I like to call them Republicrats. With the republicrats running our government, our democracy has suffered a serious blow. Do you honestly believe you are being represented much any more? If we were we would already have a national health care system (real compassion) and we would all be driving hydrogen fuel cell cars ten years after we landed on the MOON! Our system obviously has failed us. Our founding fathers would be outraged to see the indecent and incestuous relationship our government and corporations now have. Brother, we are in the same boat I'm afraid, so we better all band together or we'll all be "fish food" soon my friend. I look forward to hearing back from you so we can work together and find solutions instead of name-calling that get's us no where fast like our beautiful beauracracy! bill
- Fri Nov 22 19:47:51 2002
ENUGU, BAHAMAS MANGO IGBO - Fri Nov 22 8:28:03 2002
ENUGU, ENUHU ABUGA - Fri Nov 22 8:18:43 2002
Nice Site, Keep it up!!
private Krankenversicherung <>
Munich, - Wed Nov 20 14:18:16 2002
Twits like me to take orders? Again I must make the point that you and others like you with this left wing socialist agenda are the weak and lame of our society. You are physically weak, fiscally weak, morally weak, weak character, lame ideas, lame lifestyles and are generally a burden on society. Darwinism will eventually rid America of the lies and spin of the left as one program after another fails and bankrupts this country and state.Twits huh? (((orders))) I would rather DIE for my country in Iraq ridding the world of Dictators and weapons of mass destruction than die as a RED flag waving looser or is that a rainbow flag ?? well never mind>>>lolRemember this>> The spirit of Charles Darwin is looking through the window at you>>>>>>>LOOK OUT :)~peace out>>lol WillLet Freedom Ring !
Ventura, CA United Nations - Tue Nov 19 13:52:41 2002
Great site, glad to hear your sailing adventure's are going well, and getting warmer...don't worry about that idiot "sheeple" that denergrated you for your political point of view... we still need twits like him to take orders ... it's just that some of us are't sheeple ... had a brisk sail here out in Commencement Bay yesterday... the M-33 was well over 7 knots ... which is always fun especially on on flat waters .. just wish I was heading to the warmer waters you will be playing in or perhaps are already! Take hand for hand for the ship always ... look forward to reading more about your trip(s)... Fair Winds and Calm Sea's ~Nick
Nick Lewis <>
Tacoma, WA YSA - Mon Nov 18 22:16:15 2002
I second that, Michael and Sara. Will: I feel the issue is being polarized, i.e. left wingers/right wingers. we're all decent americans and none of us are endangered (except maybe our whole species) unless we continue in the direction our government is taking. Our constitution is only good in our borders, so that's why we must continue to strive to be part of the global community. Our government for too long has been turning it's back and not signing int'l treaties. For our country to behave in this fashion will only isolate us from the rest of the world even more and increase acts of terrorism/CIA blowback. For us to say the 911 tragedy happened because they simply hate us is too simplified. I feel it is more they hate a lot of our foreign policy. there is too many times our gov't (in our name with our tax dollars)has gone to other countries and aided in toppling democratic governments and replace them with dictators for obvious reasons. we seriously have to deeply look into this issue and have a lot more critical thinking instead of "let's nuke 'em" rhetoric. Remember, this is the terrorists' attitude and we shouldn't copy them right? If we hadn't funded and created punks like saddam and osama, we wouldn't have to spend our precious resources to try to destroy them. I just hope we can put the genie back in its bottle. . . . because I believe our future depends on it. bill
bill <>
USA - Sat Nov 16 16:59:19 2002
Think I will, thank you :)~You do have a cool site :)~
- Wed Nov 13 12:08:21 2002
Hey Will -- go sailing, dude!!
sara & michael <>
seattle, wa usa - Tue Nov 12 20:13:15 2002
Nice Site !
village cricket <>
Harrogate, North Yorkshire UK - Tue Nov 12 10:22:26 2002
Cool page! ο
Private Krankenversicherung <>
Frankfurt, Deutschland - Tue Nov 5 19:22:46 2002
acorn/fighter>> Thank God liberalism and the agenda of political correctness, i.e. people like you >are an endangered species, a "left" over of the 20th century.The last time I looked at the constitution I did not see where it said America needed United Nations Approval to (proactively) protect our citizens from an attack by weapons of mass destruction? If a nuke vaporizes Chicago you are the type of people that would blame America not the terrorist, If we attack Iraq (2 stop saddams nuke program) you are the people that would blame America and condemn our nation for illegally attacking them. I guess you all just hate America and what America stands for i.e. Freedom, economic opportunity, capitalism. Call me what you will>>>>cuz guess what you can without fear of being sanctioned by our Government based on our constitutional rights, not United Nations approval.The State of California is falling apart after just 4 years of Joe (gray) Davis..........What great leadership the left produces....hahahahahahahahahahahaha
- Mon Nov 4 13:38:40 2002
I just had to respond to Will. There is currently insufficient evidence for the United States to (illegally) unilaterally and pre-emptively strike Iraq. If we do...we will only increase terrorism around the globe. Of course, I guess this is what our current administration wants, i.e. militarize the globe one country at a time. These are indeed freeky times we are living in now, but we must not turn our backs on justice and democracy. In closing, we must continue to refuse and resist a rising tide of fascism that is breeding fear in all of us. keep the hope and dream alive. bless....
freedom fighter <>
CA USA - Fri Nov 1 16:57:45 2002
Hello Michael and Sara. Man, I'm impressed! I have been following your adventures since the days of Jenny P. I haven't checked in for about the past 3 months and was surprised to see that you indeed are on your way south. Terrific!I was especially interested in hearing about your travels across Juan de Fuca. Check out our site and read the logs about our trip to the San Juans. The straight kicked our butts!Fair Winds.Rick and Minna
Rick <>
Minneapolis, MN - Tue Oct 29 22:20:55 2002
First off Tim>>I am at Ventura Isle Marina and have bumped into you a few it's a small world :) I spent 18 months in harms way risking "it all" so that people in this great country can express anything they want in terms of politics. But it's "MY VIEW" That the views of the left are doing this country a terrible injustice and it's time the right speak up......I did>>lol Oh and the "cheap little boat" >>>>Well i don't think it would be as easy for a young couple 2 buy a small boat and go cruising if they are from the 96.5% of the other nations on this blue planet of ours:)Let me know if you would like 2 have drinks and discuss the future of this country? Will
- Mon Oct 21 13:14:52 2002
Your travels in British Columbia and Washington brought me home again. TATOOSH is in Ventura awaiting a new engine and other work after a boatyard caused her to fill with water. In the spring TATOOSH has to get to Boston. I look forward to following your travels. Fair Winds!As for the guy in Ventura who doesn't like your views on war and is so denigrating about your "cheap little boat" I can only say he is the kind of person that causes worry for the future of our country - and it is not becuase he has a different view on war and Iraq.
Tim Robison <>
Boston, MA US - Sun Oct 20 13:30:12 2002
I thought you had a great web page until you brought politics into it? A peace protest in Santa Barbara...Gee what nice people you are, HA HA. The "WAR" against terrorism will be fought and won so that the "weak" like you two can buy a little cheap boat and have a great time cruising :) You two are typical "Left wingers" who produce nothing for America yet are the first to criticize it? Marching for National security! William S/V Freedom Ventura HC 43'
William <>
Ventura, CA USA - Wed Oct 16 13:46:23 2002
hello hope all is well out there.after looking at your site we are thinking about the water!! be safe your friends chad and diana
chad and diana <>
lakebay, wa - Sun Oct 13 19:10:32 2002
Great Job. Own a 1967 Erickson 35 mk1 "Why Worry" just about to repower and varioys other projects. Ck out the boat on the above site.
Kevin Gil <>
Tampa, fl - Fri Sep 27 9:00:44 2002
Great site! Nice to see other Albergs cruising. We've been cruising S/V SAGA for 3 yrs now. We'll be in touch. Would love to share stories. Check out our website for lots of info. Fairwinds!
Nancy Birnbaum & Jann Hedrick <>
Miami, FL USA - Mon Sep 2 14:21:01 2002
CHecked out your log. Very interesting trip. Sounds like a trip of a lifetime....
bucky <>
duvall, wa us - Thu Aug 29 11:05:44 2002
Hello everybody - Just wanted to wish you a great day ... :-)
private Krankenversicherung <->
Frankfurt, Germany - Wed Aug 28 22:17:26 2002
Hi Michael and Sara!!!! Roy, my future husband and I are with your folks now. We traveled over from Yakima today and I will be here with them for a couple of weeks before the wedding Sept 21st. Wish you could be here. Come on now, I made it to your wedding!!! Love knowing you made it all the way to S.F. and are safely anchored. Hey, Michael didn't you use your Dramamine?? Love you two and we will continue to pray for you, Auntie Lorilla
Lorilla Morales <>
Olympia, - Sun Aug 25 0:17:31 2002
Hey Glad to see that you are finally on your way, sorry that we missed you before you left. Would have loved to see you before you 2 took off, have a safe trip, and fair winds where ever you 2 go. George and Reba S/V Pacifier II
George Books <>
Bremerton, WA USA - Wed Aug 21 21:16:50 2002
read your story with great enjoyment. we are looking for a new boat and found you with an alberg search. good luck on your voyage and fair winds and calm seas to you both,,,(kitty's too)
keityo and lois inge <>
b'ham, wa usa - Sun Aug 4 14:59:04 2002
Nice Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boris <>
- Mon Jul 29 7:03:31 2002
I finally made it to your site! Have a great trip.
Lisa & Andiamo John Caruso <>
Seattle, WA USA - Sat Jul 27 13:26:58 2002
See you there, leaving about 9/28/02 for Matzatlan. Island Packet 350 "Corine".
Carson Howe Jr. <>
Santa Ana, Ca USA - Fri Jul 26 12:04:19 2002
Great site, Great boat and a Great decision to go cruising. Looking forward to following your progress on you web page. I too am fitting out for cruising shortly. Fairwinds & Following Seas S/V My Lady Too
Ron <>
St Petersburg, fl usa - Fri Jul 12 21:04:18 2002
Hello Friends! Hope the Sailing is Great up there on the Sunshine Coast! Wish we were there! See you soon!
Patrick and Sara <>
Olympia, WA USA - Fri Jun 28 11:41:52 2002
Great to see it all coming together for you guys Pelican is looking great. We have two weeks of work left before we set out on Mokusiga in July. Looking to be in Tobago for Christmas, maybe we'll get through the canal next year onto your side of the world. Good luck and fair winds, Chris & Julia
Chris & Julia sv Mokusiga <>
- Thu Jun 13 11:29:01 2002
Bon Voyage! I'm jealous...if you ever get around to this side of the world look us up..S/V Poc Ma Hon
Elaine Newman <>
Charleston, SC USA - Fri May 31 8:41:07 2002
Hurry up and put some more stuff on the website! I've been waiting for ages! It's a story I want to read but I've already read all of Jenny P and Pelican. Keep it up and good luck...
James <n/a>
Newcastle, England - Sun May 26 13:51:38 2002
Hope you have a great voyage on your sailboat (I'm jealous). Keep in touch if you can.
Dustin Groenig <>
Bellevue, WA USA - Fri May 10 18:06:56 2002
Hey you have a nice site. I hope you guys have fun on your new adventure. Someday I hope to do something similar. Have a good trip and be safe!
Mike Lavigueure <>
Duvall, WA - Fri May 10 17:39:41 2002
Aloha, and Good Luck to you both Mike & Sara! I'll be looking forward to keeping up with your trip here on your excelent website! Farewell!
Mike Warriner <>
Bothell, WA USA - Thu May 9 13:41:31 2002
I wish you two the best on your trip, I own #87, its been everywhere. And its almost ready to go again, soon as I retire Im gone too. Let me know when you stop off in San Francisco, would like to meet you and help out anyway I can. Enjoy your trip....Thomas
Thomas Thomas <>
Sausalito, ca USA - Tue Apr 30 23:11:19 2002
Hello friends, great boat, from Denmark I guess, I am from Germany, living in Denmark. Hope you are lucky with your cruise and god willing we will maybe meet you when we begin our circumnavigation in about three years from now. Best wishes, Sailing is life, everything else are preparations.
Chris Lütken <>
Copenhagen, Denmark - Wed Apr 10 10:59:20 2002
Great boat hope to see you on the water. rob s/v silent sun
Rob Tryon <>
Portland, or U.S.A. - Mon Mar 25 15:15:00 2002
Great site! I especially liked your log entries on the engine refit. I look forward to reading about your adventures and hope you will provide detailed stories. I'm a sailing "wannabe" but living in Iowa doesn't help so I stick with backpacking with the kids - anything to be outdoors. When they're gone it's high adventure! Fair winds. Tom
Thomas Paige <>
Marion, IA USA - Tue Mar 19 12:43:16 2002
Great site. Enjoyed photos and will look forward to reading about your preparations and progress towards freedom. Georgous cats!
Gayle and Roy Chambers <>
Shelton, WA - Sat Mar 9 2:29:52 2002
It's so much fun to see livaboards close to my own age.I own a Pearson Triton .. the little sister of your boat, like Tim Lackey said. I bought my boat 2 years ago right after graduating from college.. and we (the boat and I!) hope to be cruising this winter!! fingers crossed! Hope very much to see you "out there" some day!! Best of luck!!
Kate Ambach <>
Shrewsbury, MA USA - Tue Mar 5 19:27:53 2002
Saw your web site, looks nice .
Nick&Nancy Hoving <>
Puyallup, Wa Pierce - Sun Feb 17 0:02:09 2002
Hey Guys the site is starting to look good. Looking forward to seeing you at Bell Harbor 1/25. Take care and Smooth sailing
George Books <>
Bremerton, WA USA - Wed Jan 16 19:05:34 2002
Hello my friends! May you find friendly winds beneath the wings of your new Pelican! See you soon!
Patrick and Sara <>
Issaquah, wa USA - Tue Dec 18 18:59:57 2001
Great choice, guys! The site is great & but the boat is better! Keep your eye on the prize...
LaDonna <>
Portland, OR - Mon Dec 17 13:31:33 2001
Hi! My wife Micheline and I are sailing l'aube (sunrise in french) a home made 25 footer since 20 years, so if someones agrees with the philosophy of go small go now, it's us. Congratulation for taking the right decision. Found your site on Tim and Heidi Lackey Glissando's site. Wish you the best of luck in your project and we will follow your adventures regularely on your site. We our now restoring an old 1967 Grampian 26 for our retirement(or before) cruising plans. You can see the project at Keep up the good work, your site looks great!
Micheline and Ric
Richard Poissant <>
Carignan, Quebec Canada - Mon Nov 26 14:04:38 2001
Great start to your new web page! I am excited to watch it grow. Love you. Mom
Jeanette Kingsley <>
Camano Island, WA USA - Mon Nov 26 14:04:02 2001
Look forward to seeing updates and info on your adventures. I own an alberg 35 also. Good solid boat.
good luck
magic 1962 hull #16
matt b <>
Canterbury, NH - Mon Nov 26 14:03:35 2001
Congrats Sara and Michael! You have done the right thing. Cruising is not about the's about the spirit and the soul. We too are just getting started. Our 5-year plan is ambitious and one we hope to see to fruition. Perhaps we'll see you some day out on the ocean prairie.
Fair Winds
Rick and Minna
Rick and Minna Beddoe <>
Minneapolis (soon Portland or Seattle), - Mon Nov 26 14:03:06 2001
It's been a rough road but boy have you made a great choice with that Alberg! Congratulations on sticking with "the plan". We hope to share some of your preparations and know we'll cross paths somewhere other than Charlie's at Shilshole one of these days!
Trevor & Karisa MacLachlan <>
Seattle, WA - Mon Nov 26 14:02:10 2001
I'm looking forward to reading about your new adventures on the Pelican.
F/V Anuska
Paul McDowell <>
Seattle, WA - Mon Nov 26 13:50:53 2001
Excellent, interesting site! I enjoyed reading about your years with "Jenny P", and look forward to seeing more updates on your new Alberg 35. I share your dream of giving up the workaday drag, and heartily endorse your obviously difficult decision to sell your beloved Hans Christian and buy a simpler, less expensive boat. "Go simple, go now" are words to live by, I believe. I own a Pearson Triton, a sort of little sister to your Alberg, and my wife and I are looking forward to some long-term cruising within the next couple years. Needless to say, many of your own thoughts and experiences echo my own, so I'm looking forward to seeing how you make out with your new boat. I think you've made an excellent choice, and wish you all the best. Please check out my website listed above, which details my 2-year restoration and now continues with maintenance and cruising updates. BTW, I found your site from the link you provided on an email to the Sailnet Alberg list this morning. Thanks, and best of luck!Tim Lackey
Tim Lackey <>
North Yarmouth, ME USA - Mon Nov 26 13:49:11 2001
Welcome to our guestbook! We look forward to reading your messages.
Sara & Michael <>
Seattle, WA USA - Mon Nov 26 13:48:07 2001
Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive