Jenny P's Guest Log
Thank you for visiting The Adventures of Jenny P!
Loved your site and your lifestyle......will be back to check it out again...
Gig Harbor, WA - Wed Oct 17 9:44:55 2001
Great website!and what a beatiful little ship I cant wait for the latest instalments of your adventures
tj rountree <trista.j@xtra.co.nz>
auckland, new zealand - Thu Sep 27 11:21:19 2001
I would love to talk to you about the Jenny P. Would you mind sending your e-mail allong? Thanks -=Tucker
Tucker Bradford <sailing@captaintuck.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tue Sep 18 15:20:44 2001
I like to take my canoe out in the Mats Mats area. I found your site when I was looking for more info on Mats Mats. I really like your site. My dad had a Westsail '32 (#233), so my eyes lit up a bit when I found you. Here is a Mats Mats story (middle page) http://homepage.mac.com/aleko/PhotoAlbum.html Alex
alex hepler <yeomalt@hotmail.com>
kingston, wa usa - Tue Aug 28 21:29:30 2001
Nice site...
fonts <muvmmfj@smileyface.com>
USA - Wed Aug 15 21:04:38 2001
Great website - some truly inspirational stuff. Can't wait 'til the next update.
Keith <flipper5@ntlworld.com>
Nottinghamshire, UK - Sun Aug 12 7:52:53 2001
Great site!...nice to see the line drawings of the boat's layout. The details in the logs were very interesting..(i.e. boat speeds v.s. wind speeds) Photos very nice...great text descriptions... Well done!
Jim Davison
anaheim, ca us - Wed Aug 8 1:35:15 2001
hope you find your way back to your dreams soon
chip wright <a6eva165@yahoo.com>
camden, me usa - Wed Jul 25 10:16:59 2001
Hope to join you as a Hans Christian owner soon. Where is your homeport? Good Sailing! Bill
Bill Woollen <Deckhand42@Hotmail.com>
Anchorage , AK USA - Sat Jul 14 22:56:06 2001
Served on Cutter Mendota 1955-1957 based in Wilmington,N.C. Would enjoy Mendota stories. Saw one about rescue of Portuguese fishermen. Was there. Enjoyed stories of Coasties!
Victor M. Powley <vicp@esinc.net>
roxboro, N.C. USA - Sat Jul 14 9:34:05 2001
Saw your post on the Sailing / Cruising World bbs about the yuppies wanting sponsorships to " get away ". Nice site,doing it the old fashioned way, WORKING for it.Ron & ElaineS/V Poc Ma Hon ( Endeavour 37 )S/V Celestial Pirate ( Grampian 31C Cutter)
Ron & Elaine <rmagliac@bellsouth.net>
Charleston, SC - Sat Jul 14 9:15:56 2001
Hello from another sailboater from Shilshole (R62). Last year I bought my first cruising sailboat, a 1986 Newport 30 called Island Time. I've been learning a lot andhopefully will take off next summer cruising the PNW.Nice site, I visit every once in a while to see what you both decide to do (the ongoing adventures). Good sailing!
Don Wahlstrom <sailor_man86@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA US - Mon Jun 18 19:03:41 2001
The sites looks great. I love the 33T. I hope to be sailing one in the very near future. Have fun and be happy!
Chris Sammartino <sol@galaxy.net>
W Chatham, Ma USA - Sun Jun 17 19:00:17 2001
Hi guys! Loved reading your logs! Being older at 46 I envy you guys. I remember onetime wanting to buy a boat, load up my 4 kids, wife and sail out into the sunset. Problemwas I didn't have the money to do that. I'll bet that sounds familar! Maybe if you twolived on one income and used the second one to pay off Jenny sooner? Your livingexpenses would be much less. It's hard to wait but as you noted earlier your timeflies by as you work at a regular job. So you will be surprised by how soon she wouldbe paid off. Would it be easy living on one income. Probably not but short term pain for long term gain. Your both young so you have time. I can see you both want that tosail off into the sunset so bad.Hopefully my suggestion would help in some way. Alsoif you paid more money per month than just the payment you would pay off the principle faster. Good luck to the two of you!!!
Jeff <fantbb@yahoo.com>
Antioch, Ca - Thu Jun 7 16:34:35 2001
Sara and Mike,
I thouroughly enjoyed your awesome site. It is fantastic that you followed your dream. All the best to you in your future endeavors.
Ron Jayne <ronjayne@myexcel.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Wed Jun 6 17:11:47 2001
Hi Mike & Sara,
Just wanted you to know that your site has been both fascinating and inspiring to me. Although my wife and I are in the midst of raising a family from the land locked midwest, I have now begun to plan my dreams of picking up and sailing away, when our family has grown. Your site will help me keep the dream alive! I'll look forward to every new entry. All the best to you both. Randy J.
Randy Jayne <mail@randyjayne.com>
Columbiana, Oh USA - Tue Jun 5 9:37:46 2001
This was great, thanks for the look.
Jonathon Carey <Jonnyc21@hotmail.com>
Monrow, WA USA - Fri Jun 1 18:56:34 2001
Love your site. Can't wait for more.
Tim s/v Kickapoo (on a trailer in my backyard)
Tim Sullivan
- Thu May 31 19:40:59 2001
Hey, Sara! I found your website from Classmates and have enjoyed keeping up on your adventures. I'm glad to see my old childhood friend doing so well and living out her dream. Looking forward to seeing what happens next now that Jenny P is off the market! Drop me an email sometime, I'd love to hear from you.
Tracy Gifford <tracyg1002@earthlink.net>
Redmond, WA - Wed May 30 18:03:42 2001
Very inspiring web site.
Kyle M
college station, tx usa - Tue May 29 2:11:03 2001
Anxiously await further developments since you took the JennyP off the market.
Randy Kidder <rlkdder@yahoo.com>
St. Louis , MO USA - Tue May 15 11:35:51 2001
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your adventures! Good luck!
Brian Ku
- Tue May 1 23:35:47 2001
I've truly enjoyed your site, perspective and photos. Too bad you are going to be selling JennyP. I wish I were ready to buy her, cause that I would sure do.
Kent and Carol Wood <kmwood@quixnet.net>
Melbourne, FL USA - Mon Apr 16 13:08:18 2001
Hello! Been tracking your travels as like-minded folk: living aboard in Santa Cruz, working (soulless) tech jobs, biding our time to go, psyched to make it before we near 30...
That's a tough, wise, emotionally ladened, non-linear choice to make. Good luck on your new path, and may the Next Boat call to you with the same conviction of heart!
See you South,
Tait McCarthy <jtm@netspace.org>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Mon Mar 19 22:16:25 2001
Really enjoyed your journaling of "Life with SV JennyP", actually was a bit jealous that I hadn't taken a similiar path and documented my adventures from "Land Baron" to "Liveaboard"! Having had similiar experiences as yours, living aboard SV Taxi Dancer, a beautiful Choey Lee 42, since June 1999, I am appreciative of the information provided in the journal. I work with an old aquaintance of yours, George Books, another liveaboard. When your back in familiar waters, look me up...I would love to rendezvous.
Mark Dorsey <mdorsey@artanderson.com>
Bremerton, WA Kitsap - Wed Mar 14 13:19:42 2001
love the site. looking forward to more.
Bruce Mellendorf <bmellen@tnics.com>
sisseton, sd usa - Fri Mar 2 18:07:17 2001
Great site. Visited because we just bought a 42' trawler in LaConner, WA and plan to cruise the Inland water way thi summer. Found your boatyard experience terrible. We own/operate a boatyard in California and can't imagine how they could stay in business. Hope your journeys continue to be full of adventure. Have safe passage. (If you need help in Southern Calif waters look us up at www.venturaboatyard.com) and I promise you'll be properly taken care of.
Linda Johnson <linda@vhby.com>
Ventura, CA USA - Fri Mar 2 15:21:03 2001
What a sweet looking boat! Great photo's! Seems like your boat is bringing you rich experiences and great adventure!
Pete Weis <weisp@psns.navy.mil>
Bremerton, Wa USA - Thu Mar 1 15:18:14 2001
THANKS. ......................... CHARLIE
charlie <charlie.duncan@echostar.com>
Denver, Co - Thu Feb 22 13:20:58 2001
Bobby & Starr Paul <bpaul1948@aol.com>
Lawton, OK US - Sun Feb 11 14:05:34 2001
Great website. Jenny P is one great sailboat.
Fair winds for the rest of your adventures!!
Deb <dzehr@oxford.net>
Woodstock, On Canada - Sun Feb 4 19:11:50 2001
Found your link on the HCOA page. Sorry we didn't know you were here in Juneau. Would have loved to swap S.E. AK cruising stories. We have had Jolly Mon (HC39PH) here in Juneau/Douglas since 1991 and enjoy exploring the beauty and solitude of S.E. each cruising season. Be sure to look us up on any future trips this way.
Nicki Germain S/V Jolly Mon <germainn@ptialaska.net>
Douglas, AK USA - Sat Jan 13 23:59:43 2001
Happened by and found your site ... brought back memories. I lived for a dozen years or so in Southeast Alaska, many of them on my 36-ketch, home base, D-float, Aurora Basin. Reading your excitement of sailing Stephens Passage with its wildlife .. humpbacks and icebergs brought back -- I already said that, didn't I. Now, getting ready for another adventure, I'm looking forward to returning to boatlife. This time a 41-tri -- this time heading south to warmer water. This time as a retiree with no more schedules or daily grinds. Keep up the site, I really enjoyed it. See you in a nice quiet anchorage someday .. bs
Bill Sheehy <wshehy@eaglenews.com>
Ore - Tue Jan 9 23:09:51 2001
Hi U2
I very much enjoyed your slide show, I'm working for an Hans Christian dealer in the Netherlands, named Rik van Mourik. Hope you have more beautifull sailings in the future. I saw that Francis Mertens also visited your site.
thank you for showing your pictures, making photo's is one of my hobby's. Greetings Martina
Martina <martinadol@soneramail.nl>
Grootebroek, NH - Fri Jan 5 16:22:08 2001
GREAT SITE and GREAT LOGS. We've got some interesing parallels. I'm in the computer industry in the Seattle area as well and would like to sail away to the south some day soon. Hope you make it there before I do. See you on the water!!
Gregory K Hunter <ghunter@hdnw.com>
Bellevue, Wa - Wed Jan 3 18:26:51 2001
Very impressed by your website. Congratulations. I always enjoy to find happy Hans Christian Sailors.
I added a link to yours on our web site.
Hope to cross your route somewhere.
Francis Mertens <hanschristianeurope@glo.be>
Antwerp, Belgium - Thu Dec 21 10:46:18 2000
Wow what a great site! I have been away from the CWBB for a while and happened to stumble onto your thread yesterday. The pictures of Alaska were inspiring and motivating to say the least. I printed off your story so my wife could read about people our age actually doing "it". We are in the process of saving for a world tour right now, and it looks like we are aiming for age 40 although I would prefer to leave now not in 8 years. Keep up the great site and take care of Jenny P. she is quite a girl. If you guys ever make it to Maine we can show you all the secret spots.
Rodd <rcollins@maine.rr.com>
Cumberland, ME USA - Thu Dec 14 15:38:31 2000
Hey, Sara, good to see you're doing so well - once you escape Juanita, I guess there's nothing you can't do! I definetly agree that there's something missing the usual say-to-day grind...
Christine Means <cmeans@hotmail.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Fri Dec 8 19:14:32 2000
The Alaska pics were great! I was there this summer and it reminded me of my vacation - thanks!
Jim Takata <jim_takata@hotmail.com>
Redmond, WA USA - Wed Dec 6 17:55:59 2000
Very interesting life.
Amy Zhao <amy8888@hotmail.com>
Bellevue, WA USA - Wed Dec 6 15:09:12 2000
I love that you live on a boat that is great! And a beautiful boat at that......
Eric Bergman <ericdbergman@hotmail.com>
Renton, WA 98059 - Wed Dec 6 15:02:01 2000
Sara...was so happy to hear that you and Chris crossed paths. What wonderful adventures you have had! Your web page was great!
Jean Howard <johnandjeanienj@snip.net>
Thorofare, NJ USA - Thu Nov 9 6:55:41 2000
Love your boat, love your site.
Tom O'Farrell <energytv@tct.net>
Sarnia, Ont Canada - Mon Nov 6 19:58:54 2000
(='.'=)Hello, I enjoyed reading about your adventures. I have been surfing the cursing sites for ideas on where to begin, on a life of following the sun. You did a great job, from the beginning and on to your adventures. Great Pics. Very informative. As we just bought a boat, and plan to do the same thing, but don't know where to start to prepare. Thanx Hope to read more from you in the future. ...Cruise On!!! Mary Gaidelis
Mary Alice Gaidelis <Marygai@hotmail.com>
Norton, ma USA - Sun Nov 5 7:56:01 2000
I loved reading of your adventures. It was great! We almost crossed paths at the entrance to the Straits of Juan De Fuca. I sailed from Maui to Victoria arrived Aug 4, 2000. I used the Pacific Seafarers net the whole way. Aren't they great! Good luck. Hope to read more from you in the future. Byron, WQ7M
Byron Robertson, WQ7M <byron@3-cities.com>
W Richland, wa us - Sat Nov 4 12:24:52 2000
Happened to be fiddling around on the net and came across the page, it felt me with warmth :)
Mike <stockdumm@hotmail.com>
USA - Sun Oct 29 6:13:45 2000
Great website. I looked at your photos and read your log in one sitting. I look forward to your next adventure.
R. Kidder <rlkdder@yahoo.com>
St. Louis , MO USA - Sun Oct 22 9:03:39 2000
Karina Adams < none >
good ol camino, - Sat Oct 21 13:02:41 2000
Ahoy from the crew of s/v Evening Star! We love your website and have followed the adventures of Jenny P through Alaska. Beautiful pictures and a hearty crew (that enjoys the cold!). Our whole crew spent hours "touring" Alaska with you and the Jenny P from the warmth of our house! All the best. John & Crew
John Barker <evening__star@hotmail.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Mon Oct 16 13:19:14 2000
Hey you guys! Just dropping a line to say hi! We really like your page a lot. Write when you can!Love,The Kingsley's
Shae and Adam <adamkingsley@hotmail.com>
Manama, Bahrain - Fri Oct 13 13:45:19 2000
Very cool website guys! You have my cruising juices flowing again. It's great having you back on the dock-- looking forward to doing some local sailing. The glacier photos were amazing. We must sit down again soon over a few cold ones and you can tell me tales of your journey.
Scott Roberts- Secret Might Be Blue <scottr@trendwestresorts.com>
Seattle , WA USA - Wed Oct 11 19:42:29 2000
Hey you two! I've been enjoying your stories and pictures. I am really getting the urge to get on those open waters of endless beauty. Take care, love Billy
Billy <acornbud@hotmail.com>
San Luis Obispo, CA USA - Fri Oct 6 19:42:35 2000
Excellent web site!!
wonjune Park <mangore@hitel.net>
Seoul, Republic of Korea - Sun Oct 1 0:08:25 2000
Wow! What a fabulous trip. Your photography is EXCELLENT!
Karan Borges <karan_borges@hp.com>
Roseville, CA USA - Tue Sep 19 15:33:25 2000
Great Site! Sounds like you two will be heading south, it time for some warm weather sailing. If you get to the area let me know. Life would be boring without dreams.
Joseph Paravia <jparavia@hotmail.com>
San Diego , CA USA - Fri Sep 8 20:14:27 2000
We enjoyed your log and photos. We have a spoiled rottenfreshwater 33T and do the Great Lakes and Canadian North Channel. We can relate to your gusty wind and waves account. These little Hans can take more than our frail bodies ever could. Keep the dream.
Chris and Fred Rogel <Sailboat@concentric.net>
Saginaw, MI USA - Tue Aug 29 0:08:14 2000
Great site! Makes me want to go to Alaska!www.evening__star.homestead.com
John <barkerjl@hotmail.com>
NC - Mon Aug 28 8:07:04 2000
Great to hear about the Jenny P again. We sailed with her and our friend Steve Porter, from Bainbridge Is., WA to Mexico in 1988 and spent 1989 together in the Sea of Cortez. We were aboard our own HC 33, "Moulin Rouge", and wandered on for the next 3 years to Central America, the East Coast and the Med. If we can share any experiences or knowledge of this great boat, drop us an e-mail @ jeckma@aol. We are beginning to plan our adventure and thinking about the next boat.Dave
Dave Pryde/Jan Eckmann <jeckma@aol.com>
Shoreline, WA US - Wed Aug 16 1:35:54 2000
I owed the "Jenny P" from 1984 until 1997. She is named after my daughter. I'm sorry I did not know you were in Juneau. "Jenny P" spent several years in Aurora harbor. She also has been as far south as Mexico on 2 separate trips. Have fun. I'm sorry I ever sold her to build a bigger boat. She is a good off shore boat that took me on several cruises I will never forget.
steve porter <steve_porter@correct.state.ak.us>
Ju, AK USA - Tue Aug 8 17:15:37 2000
Wow! made my day stumbling across your web site. Thanks!
Andrew MacGinitie <andrew@ynnmail.com>
Roxbury, CT USA - Thu Aug 3 17:29:15 2000
Ahoy, little brother...just checking in and hoping all is well. Do you still have my hat? Steady as she goes! Love, Steve
Steve Johnson <johnslodge@aol.com>
Mokelume Hill, Ca USA - Tue Aug 1 18:51:20 2000
JennyP is looking great! Your voyage is awe inspiring! I very much enjoy your site and tracking your journey. Keep it up.Remember to always wear a life jacket.Fair winds,Monte
Monte Happ <monte.happ@ey.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Tue Aug 1 18:37:12 2000
Very well done web page and I'm really enjoying reading about your adventures. I admire your courage in leaving the "rat race".Tod MillsMontgomery 17"BuscaBrisas"
Tod Mills <htmills@bright.net>
Ashland, OH - Mon Jul 31 20:38:16 2000
Great way to go you two. Just seeing your enjoyment through your photos gets me excited to head out also. If you two make it out east, theres a couple pints-o-guiness waitin for ya's.
Take it easy.
Cory Alexander <alexande@cbl.umces.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Thu Jul 27 1:05:55 2000
I am so proud and excited for the both of you! I love the photos (especially of the salty kitties) and the story is beautifully written and your courage is amazing. Good luck and take care!Love always- Karen
Karen Scheuner <kscheune@calpoly.edu>
San Luis Obispo, CA USA - Wed Jul 26 20:42:28 2000
Hi Zena!
Zena, that was a cute picture of you napping in the sun :) I'm glad to hear you both got your salt legs. I'm sure the fresh air and wildlife are just tweaking your primeval kitty instincts :) Say hi to Michael, Sara and Precious for me. Bye little buddy. Hope to see you soon!
Jerry McKinney <jerry@amiga.com>
Redmond, WA USA - Fri Jul 14 18:23:25 2000
Hey glad to see you to got out of MS and on to something that is enjoyable and real. Infact reading about your adventures makes me kinda jelious that I am no the one out doing that instead of wage slaving. Good luck and my your sails be always full :o)
Dan Indovina <danieli@slmd.com>
Redmond, WA US - Thu Jul 13 13:57:33 2000
Welcome to you new home my friends!! We think of you everyday, discussing when to come up! Mike, send me an address so I can get you a new pair of shades! OPPS! Love you guys! Say hi to the kitties!
Patrick and Sara
Issaquah, Wa - Thu Jul 13 12:53:43 2000
Hey you guys!
I can't wait to meet you! In case your wondering, I am Adam's wife. You guys are sooo cool! I hope that when Adam andI get out of the military, we can do something like that!
Write me!
Shae Parker-Kingsley <parkers@nsa.bahrain.navy.mil>
Manama, Bahrain - Thu Jul 13 8:00:20 2000
Clinton sucks ... just thought I'd say that. You're havin oo much fun you hedonist what happened to work work work. Happy you are enjoying life's voyage. You've made some excellent choices Mike... Proud of ya .. Although the queue is out of control.. Sara please dont send this to wh..raid
Oh yeah you can't come back weve replaced ya with Bob
LyndonB <lyndonb@microsoft.com>
Seattle, WA - Wed Jul 12 17:26:55 2000
Hey, glad to see this is a much fun as you hoped it would be. Think of you guys often and miss our conversations in the morning.
Duane Davenport <ddaven@microsoft.com>
Kingston, wa UsA - Wed Jul 12 0:59:44 2000
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences through your beautiful words and photos. Thanks for the fresh air while sitting in my office in Johannesburg. Your site is fresh and wonderful to visit. I am planning a shakedown cruise for a newly build 38' cutter next summer, via San Juan Islands, Canada, Alaska, down to Mexico and then who knows. Thanks for the experience.
Helen Ray-Howett <helen.rayhowett@bmw.co.za>
Johannesburg, South Africa - Fri Jul 7 7:25:25 2000
taipei county, taiwan R.O.C - Sun Jul 2 10:32:44 2000
Welcome to Alaska Sara and Michael, it was wonderful to meet you for the first time on a rare Ketchikan sunny day! Your site is wonderful, a real treasure. Thank you both for helping protect Alaska's rainforest at our roadless table in front of the Discovery Center. We are tremendously happy that such fine people hare making their home in Alaska! Happy sails and hope to see you soon in Juneau. /donna (Udi, Joshua, and Lina, too).
Friends of the Tongass <ecofem@envirolink.org>
Ketchikan, AK - Sun Jun 25 13:04:34 2000
Hey Love Birds hope that you are having fun not too much, but having fun. Well I made the jump and am now waiting for the Documentation to get back from the Coast Guard to the Title Company, so that I can get my 37' Cal Tall Cutter out on the water. Will let you know when my new Web site is up.
Best of luck and e-mail me soon ok. George & Reba
George B. & Reba B. <georgebooks@home.com>
Bremerton, WA USA - Thu Jun 22 0:57:05 2000
Your website is wonderful. I enjoy following you two along on your jouney. This would be the dream of a lifetime for most, incuding me. Good luck in your endeavors. It was great working with you two. Keep updating your website I would love to read more and see lots of pictures!
Patricia Juarez <pjuarez@mindspring.com>
Redmond, WA USA - Thu Jun 8 19:31:12 2000
Wonderfully inspiring journey and website!!
I believe it has sparked something inside of me that I must now make plans to pursue. I have often thought of touring the world via ocean, and following your progress only makes me want it that much more. Good travels to you, I'll be following along and hope to receive email from you.
Paul Edwards <pauledwards@wwdb.org>
Federal Way, WA USA - Fri Jun 2 22:14:48 2000
Sara: How wonderful for the two of you. Looks like a really exciting adventure. I'm more into warm weather places though. Have a nice Honeymoom.
Your friend, Kathy Squires
Kathy Squires <ksquires@api.com>
Edmonds, WA USA - Wed May 31 15:11:42 2000
Fair winds, my friends! You are missed already! good journey, and keep chasing your dreams! We love you!!
Patrick & Sara <K2savage@earthlink.net>
Issaquah, wa - Wed May 31 13:14:47 2000
Happy that you're having this adventure. Another couple we know have been living/sailing on their Mali B. since 1994. They've been in the Caribbean arena for 3 years now. Janet visited 2 wks in 1998. Sara...you look soooo much like your Mom! Stay happy, healthy & enjoy the adventures!
Janet & Jan Ennis <janennis@msn.com>
Redmond , WA USA - Thu May 18 11:48:34 2000
What a site and your hc is a beauty. As you cruise the Sound, smile and wave as you pass Yondersea!, or dingy over for Seattle's Best!
kevin b <bell@cnw.com>
bellingham, wa usa - Tue May 16 13:42:51 2000
Wow!Great!!...Cruise On!!!
Brion James <brionj@hotmail.com>
Northridge, CA USA - Sun May 7 22:10:55 2000
I can't tell you how just from reading you logs has inspired me. That has been a long time dream for me, but it tends to get dilluted in this tech field. Acutally I moved down from an island a couple years ag, I used to work on the fishing boats up in alaska, and have been missing it ever since.. Keep up the logs - I will be following them =]
BTW - Need any information on Juneau or Southeast Alaska email me, I was born in S.E Ak and could fill you in on anything you need to know, Jobs/Weather/As well as sites to see along the way, and the inconsistant weather =[
Good Luck!!
Kris Amos <redlineka@hotmail.com - kris.amos@weyerhaeuser.com>
Bothell, WA 98012 - Tue May 2 16:44:53 2000
Awesome page, awesome adventure, totally awesome boat, the best.
A year and a half from now, I'll be purchasing my HC 33T and sailing
on her around the world, so it's excellent to hear about
your cruise.
Happy Sailing!
Todd Vasileff <tgvasil@banet.net>
Greenwich, CCT USA - Sun Apr 30 14:07:54 2000
You two kick ass! Thanks for giving Keiko and I a sail aboard your new home. It "rocked"! Enjoy your adventures! I hope you never have to use my wedding gifts! With Love, J.
Jason Whittecar <jason@whittecar.com>
Bellevue, WA USA - Wed Apr 26 16:50:40 2000
Michael & Sara,
You have a great site & a great boat! Keep us updated!
Happy Sailing,
Jon :)
Jon :)
- Fri Apr 21 13:05:08 2000
The page looks great. You have a real talent! Hope you know how cold it can get in the north :-) Sent you a seperate email. We'll keep checking back for more updates.
Michele & Restless
- Wed Apr 5 18:54:51 2000
Great job!!!!!
J. Schaub <Chago@triton.net>
Cedar Springs, Mi USA - Tue Apr 4 10:20:46 2000
I'm really living vicariously through your site as we've just sold our house and everything in it, as well as our current boat so that we can make the leap to a live aboard (a bigger boat) and an eventual permanent shove off. Like you we'll continue to work for the near future with the occasional short sabbaticals. It's heartening to commiserate with those who are dealing with some of the same challenges. It's an amazing amount of work but following your story confirms the exciting future in store! Fair winds!
Rick and Kristel <ricksylvester@hotmail.com>
St. Petersburg, Fl - Fri Mar 31 13:14:30 2000
it is great to see another couple as young as us achieving what we hope to. we finish bringing our new (to us) p.s. mariah cutter 31 up to st. pete- but we have a long way to go before she will be as pretty as your lovely jenny p. someday we too will have a web page to track the journey of kati, ben and the best dog nietzsche through the caribbean. in the meantime, i'll keep an eye on your cats!
Ben & Kati <katiletourneau@hotmail.com>
St. Petersburg, FL USA - Thu Mar 30 7:46:53 2000
Hey you crazy love birds, I finally got a chance to peep at your site....it is fantastic. Only a month to go. Can't wait to see you guys tie the knot. Hope all is well.All my love,Katrina
Katrina <kradelet@earthlink.net>
Bothell, WA USA - Tue Mar 28 21:02:15 2000
Crew of Jenny P,You make sailing the Net nearly as fun as sailing the sea! Check out my boat's site when you've got a minute and need a giggle! Best wishes, Capt Jon :)
Jon <ringj@mediaone.net>
Cape Ann, MA - Sat Mar 25 17:13:18 2000
Great Site. I am 65 and sorry that I have waited so long. I have a 38ft Mariner Sloop and plan to retire on it and sail with my wife of 40 yrs.
Donald Freeman <donfree@bestweb.net>
Katonah, New York usa - Fri Mar 17 23:54:28 2000
What a great website! Enjoyed the pictures and your adventure so far - how fun! Sue
Sue Lanz <lanzmm@hotmail.com>
Bothell, WA USA - Thu Mar 16 20:02:52 2000
Loved to hear your story! Very inspiring!
Scott & Kristi <twopacifico@earthlink.net>
San Clemente, CA USA - Sat Mar 4 19:55:11 2000
Hey Guys,I really like the site. Excelent job. I still think you could have picked a better picture of me :) I will certainly try to abuse our friendship in the near future with more free sailing lessons before you two disapear over the horizon :) -Jerry
Redmond, WA - Sat Feb 26 23:28:04 2000
Good hearing your update. We have forwarded your note to Billy and Karen. Keep us posted on your upcoming adventures. We have enough sharks in here in Camino so we don't need to sail the ocean blue for more.
Bill and Pat Scheuner <acellar@directcon.net>
Camino, CA USA` - Wed Feb 23 13:49:36 2000
Nice boat! nice website as well. Liked your post regarding the boat on ebay. I'm on your side.Best Regards,Peter Linwick
Peter Linwick <pete@rigginghydraulics.com>
West Palm Beach, Fl USA - Fri Feb 11 16:37:57 2000
Hey guys, really nice site. I'm a Solaris Admin (sorry but it really smokes windows.anyway my wife and I are saving for our boat as well. Hope to see you somewhere out there.Take care
Mike Burke <tburke@erols.com>
Winslow, NJ USA - Tue Feb 1 13:05:59 2000
You guys are way cool. I look forward to living the dream like you are....maybe we'll see you on the blue seas someday!
Jen Parks <savy_chic@yahoo.com>
Seattle, wa USA - Fri Jan 28 19:00:30 2000
Hi Guys, thanks for feeding the dream while it's -25 C outside!
Gonna keep watching your plans unfold as it's my dream too!
Keith MacDonald <kaymac@igs.net>
Ottawa, ON Canada - Fri Jan 14 8:53:34 2000
Bob Andersen @ GREENBUSCH <baoit477@yahoo.com>
lynnwood, wa usa - Wed Jan 12 14:08:33 2000
We enjoy your website and share the same dreams. We're a couple of years away before the dream comes true. Good luck on your journey.
John & Ann Blakley <JBlakley@silverstar.com>
Jackson Hole, Wy USA - Sun Jan 9 21:59:35 2000
I hope you travel well and if you're down in this neck of the woods look me up, mean while I am trying to make the brightwork
on my HC 38MK2 called Zingara 2 look half as good as yours
Doug Hart <dhart@bamssb.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Thu Jan 6 21:09:30 2000
hi u 2 and thanks for passing by at our website and signing the guestbook, you have a beautiful boat and a very nice website. as you, we hope to catch up with you one day!
in the meantime fair winds
crew of sy amberella
Frank and Nina <amberella@schefter.net>
ocean, - Thu Jan 6 15:49:25 2000
Saw your post on CWBB supporting fireworks. great job. the regulars are pretty snotty sometimes. you have a great page - great boat too
- good luck with your dreams and look for a HC 48 in some far anchorage - it'll probably be me.
hc 48T "Koonawarra"
Grant s/v "Koonawarra" <kwarra@aol.com>
Newport Beach, CA USA - Thu Jan 6 12:41:09 2000
Sitting here surrounded by a snowy evening, I read your logs while waiting for the snow to stop so I could clear the drive. I could feel your enthusiasm for the boat. Mine is, of course, on land with our lakes hard covered now. I could see that you had a lovely Christmas tree, but your kitties must have been sorely tempted to take it down.
Jerry <gcbren@worldnet.att.net>
Mendota Heights, MN - Wed Jan 5 22:52:57 2000
I read your post on general message board (cruising world) Thanks for the encrouagement! Good Luck! smooth sailing!!
cape cod, MA - Wed Jan 5 17:59:43 2000
I'm not sure if we signed your new guest book or not.
Happy Newyears.
Bob & Terri Ferguson <ebsail@earthlink.net>
Port Orchard, WA USA - Thu Dec 30 0:48:21 1999
Thanks for signing our guest log!
Michael & Sara <svjennyp@earthlink.net>
Seattle, WA USA - Tue Dec 28 17:55:05 1999
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Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive